drover ai | pathpilot
AI-Powered Computer Vision for Micromobility
Drover AI uses PathPilot technology (camera + Ai) to help analyze infrastructure and pinpoint where a micro-mobility vehicle is at in dense urban environments. The PathPilot module attaches to scooters and bikes to prevent inaccurate parking and riding on sidewalks. PathPilot is essential to the success of the emerging micro-mobility market so its better accepted and embraced by cities worldwide.

SmartShape designed, engineered, and produced Drover's new PathPilot mechanical design.
Industrial Design
Mechanical Engineering
Tooling & Production
The PathPilot module can be easily attached to micro-mobility vehicles and uses a camera to detect and sense infrastructure, speed, and location. This technology works in real-time without the need for pre-existing data or precise GPS.
PathPilot features dual 5W speakers that allow operators to produce customized, real-time alerts correlated to PathPilot detections in order to nudge user behavior to the desired outcome.
The PathPilot's camera and detection software sense infrastructure, speed, and location, providing real time data and tracking analytics for Drover's Corral software.
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